Dear Classic Car Enthusiast,
Here comes our glorious September and what a month it is, if you enjoy classiccar events from the excellent Salon Privé (clashing – as it often does - with the Hampton Court Palace Concours of Elegance) to the Beaulieu weekend, and that’s just in the UK.
Tour Auto, Grand Premio Nuvolari and other rallies taking place at the end of the summer have made our efforts to attend them all a bit of a struggle, but we did manage a good number.
We wouldn’t fail to mention the Goodwood Revival, one not to miss with so much going on, after the hiatus of 2020.
You just cannot take your eye off the market in a forever-changing world, and it has not been easy as there has been a whirlwind of sales happening behind the scenes; dealers have found sourcing new, good stock very difficult as demand has been strong. In short, a bumper month for all involved.
What has been selling and why? We see very good examples of modern classics doing well across the board, Porsche (all models) really climbing up the rankings, some Ferraris doing well and renewed interest in a number of pre-war cars.
The UK had seen a slight decline in sales across into Europe, but this has changed in the last month; the US market has also seen an increase.
The concern with sales to and from Europe, which had marred a few months post-Brexit, has now starting to ebb away, as we learn that processes are not a precise science but can be followed without major pitfalls. Yes, you have to cut through the red tape, but it is all achievable in the long run.
What about our auctions? Which ones to attend? So many have appeared, increasing numbers of cars are being entered in each of them, all much of a muchness. You have to ask yourself, why do people put cars into auction? Is it for a quick sale? Is it because they have no more use for the car, or is there something wrong with the car, therefore making a sale outside of the auction world not an option?
The auction scene has changed dramatically over the years, no more so than in the last 18 months, and we may see yet more major changes for the future, but time will tell.
Auction sale clashes are happening again this month; keep an eye on the no-reserve cars, wherever they are offered, and see what they fetch.
It’s a very busy month for us at Classicmobilia, with a couple of restorations coming to an end, new ones starting and a number of large projects on the way. New cars are now being offered, with an influx of imports and registrations.
We are still here to assist: whether it’s buying, selling on restoration needs, valuations or just good unbiased advice, we are here to help.
Happy motoring
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